Academia 1: How do I revise? (step-by-step)
Hello my beautiful friends! Today's post is how I revise as a step-by-step guide. I know many of you are in the process of doing GCSE/A-Level mocks and are starting to revise for summer exams. I hope this post gives you some revision method ideas. Everyone revises differently, so do not be disheartened if these methods do not work for you. I advise trying a range of revision methods to find what suits you! 1. Revision Cards As you may have seen on my Studygram, I make revision cards for each subject. This is useful for my content-based subjects (economics and physics) to ensure I learn all of the content. I work best through repetition and revision cards allow this. I also use revision cards for maths and further maths to ensure I know the processes and formulas I need to learn. 2. 'Blurting' From my revision cards, I make 'prompts'. These are words and phrases I can use to trigger certain content from a topic. Using these prompts and without any...