Academia 22: What's in my Sixth Form bag?

Hello my beautiful friends!

Here is the fourth (and final-ish) post in my Back2School series (don't forget to read my other posts: A Level Folder Organisation, Back2School Stationery Haul and Sixth Form Clothing Haul)! This post is a classic 'What's in my bag?'! Next week's post will be about my Cambridge summer school experience (I am currently on this summer school), so stay tuned for that.

I am using last year's Sixth Form bag because it is a good size and not damaged at all, so I felt I did not need to buy a new bag. I bought this Fiorelli bag from TK Maxx.

In the front pocket of my bag, I keep my library card for my local university's library. My local university has a scheme whereby Sixth Form and college students can use the library to study free of charge.

In one of the side pockets of my bag, I carry 'beauty' items, which include my Nivea lip balm and Body Shop spray.

The main pocket contains my folder, pencil case, water bottle and headphones. In this pocket, I usually have my glasses and case, textbooks, lunch/lunch money and gum too. In the inside pocket, I keep any sanitary items.

In the back pocket of my bag, I have my phone. To compliment this (and Apple's notoriously awful battery life 😂), I usually carry my phone charger in my other side pocket.

Although this post is fairly short (unfortunately there is not much to write about), I hope this post has been interesting and has helped your own bag organisation. What are your school/Sixth Form/college bag essentials? Let me know in the comments!


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