Chat 4: My "Alternative" Studygram Feed

Hello my beautiful friends!

A quick disclaimer... Through this post, I am not saying any Instagram feeds are better or worse than others. I am not saying any Instagram feeds are "generic". I am not spreading hate regarding any feeds at all. This is simply my journey to developing a love for my own feed. Instagram is a form of expression and you should love your feed whatever way you express yourself through it.

This post is explaining and slightly justifying my "alternative" Studygram feed. A lot of Studygram feeds are very aesthetic with a continuing theme and I am in awe of these accounts; however, this is just not me. My feed is, in my opinion, messier than these feeds and that is okay!

During the early stages of my Studygram, I tried to fit in with the white and pastel colour theme many Studygrams follow because I love this aesthetic look. However, for some reason, I just couldn't keep this theme. My photos looked disjointed regardless of how hard I tried, which I found frustrating, so I considered deleting my account.

Due to my stubborn nature, I stuck to my Studygram. I tried a variety a themes, but I am not a very arty person, so always struggled to keep them. Eventually, I started posting any photos, not sticking to a theme. This involved photos of my notes, my blog, my bullet journal and university buildings. I grew to love my mismatched theme.

My current favourite posts are study timelapses! Whilst these videos, in my opinion, do not fit my feed, I make plenty of them purely because it's what I enjoy. This is my key advice to those starting any sort of Instagram account. Post what you love! Through this you'll develop your own feed and still love it even if it does not fulfill your initial expectations.

To conclude, I realise my Studygram feed is not as uniform as others, but I am okay with this. I feel there is increasing pressure to have an "aesthetic" feed, but all Instagram feeds are beautiful. Instagram is a method of self-expression, so express yourself in whatever way suits you whether it is neat or not.

Hopefully, I've covered everything I wanted to in this post. This post is slightly different, but I hope my opinion is fascinating. What's your opinion surrounding Instagram feeds?

Recently, I have written a lot of academia blog posts, which I think many of you prefer due to coming from my Studygram; however, I would like my blog to have some variety. Whilst many of my posts will continue being study-based, over the next month-ish I have planned a lot of mental health and chatty posts, which I hope will continue to be enjoyable. Comment what posts you'd like to see!


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