
Showing posts from July, 2018

Academia 19: A Level Folder Organisation

Hello my beautiful friends! In today's blog post I am prematurely starting my Back2School series with my A Level folder organisation tips and tricks! I have so many fun Back2School blog posts planned and some good ideas were suggested by my Instagram followers too. In fact, this post was requested when I asked my followers for blog post ideas on my Instagram story. There are so many different methods of folder organisation, so do not feel that my method is the only way. I just hope my organisation tips act as inspiration and help those transitioning into Year 12. Currently, I use 3 folders for each subject: a day folder, Year 12 subject folder and Year 13 subject folder. At the front of my day folder I have my timetable to ensure this is accessible (here's a sneak peak of next year's timetable, although my tutor period (Tu) slots have not yet been inputted 😉). Behind my timetable I have a divider for each subject (Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Econom...

Academia 18: How am I Preparing for Year 13?

Hello my beautiful friends! In today's post I am going to summarise what I am doing over the summer holiday in preparation for Year 13 in September. I have decided that (hopefully) my revision over half term will be intense because a) I feel I have not studied to my full potential during Year 12 and b) I must prepare for my admissions test and (if I do get invited ) Oxford interview. Do not feel your revision needs to be as intense as this, yet I still hope this post is useful for inspiration and as a guideline. If you follow my Instagram , you will know I bought some notebooks from Tiger. I am using these for my revision over the summer holidays. I felt it would be useful to collate all of my summer revision, but I did not think my summer revision should be filed in my Year 12 or Year 13 subject folders, so these notebooks are a handy (and aesthetic) option. Whether you plan to do a lot of revision or minimal revision during your holiday, I recommend making a list of e...

Mental Health 3: A Catch Up

Hello my beautiful friends! Trigger warning: I discuss anxiety, depression and suicide as well as general mental health issues in this post. I aimed for this blog to be about both academia and mental health, so today I am going to have a mental health catch up. I wrote a blog post about the history of my mental health in January, so feel free to read this post for context. In my last post, I had recently referred myself to counselling again, specifically CBT. This was my second round of this sort of counselling. I completed this course, but, personally, I feel this approach was not effective for my own situation as many of the techniques suggested were ones I was already using in everyday life. I want a form of counselling which focuses on dealing with my internal turmoil rather than the external symptoms of my anxiety and depression. If anyone could recommend any forms of counselling or general techniques that could help with this, please contact me. Since this counselling, m...

Academia 17: My Year 12 Experience

Hello my beautiful friends! Today I have decided to write about my Year 12 experience. GCSEs are over and many Year 11s will be considering their next options (apprenticeship, Sixth Form or college). This post will cover both general and subject-specific aspects of Sixth Form. For reference, I take maths, further maths, physics and economics at A Level. Please mind the gap. The most common question for students going into Sixth Form is "Is there a big gap between GCSEs and A Levels?". The answer is yes. Unfortunately, Sixth Form requires a lot more work outside of lesson with both homework and independent learning (i.e. revision and wider reading); however, providing you use your free periods and stay on top of your work, stress-levels should remain low. Personally, I found the increased workload overwhelming during the first month of Sixth Form despite the fact that I was staying on top of work, but everyone is in the same position, so you will be absolutely fine if you...

Academia 16: Imperial College and University of Nottingham Open Days

Hello my beautiful friends! As last week, this blog post is about my opinion of the Imperial and Nottingham open days. Again, I do not mean to influence anyone's opinion through this post. I purely hope this is useful to a few readers! 28/06/18 - Imperial College Open Day I attended the first part of this open day with my half sister. I spent the second half of this open day alone and it was completely fine, so firstly I would like to reassure those attending open days alone that it isn't scary! Onto the ins and outs of Imperial College... I thought my heart was set on the University of Warwick, but I felt more at-home at Imperial. The campus is so modern and beautifully designed. The location of the campus, in central London, is an amazing location too. Not only is central London the hub for many firms, meaning Imperial has good connections for internships and graduate jobs, there are many universities within London. Apparently, there are many student bars within L...