
Showing posts from September, 2018

Chat 4: My "Alternative" Studygram Feed

Hello my beautiful friends! A quick disclaimer... Through this post, I am not saying any Instagram feeds are better or worse than others. I am not saying any Instagram feeds are "generic". I am not spreading hate regarding any feeds at all. This is simply my journey to developing a love for my own feed. Instagram is a form of expression and you should love your feed whatever way you express yourself through it. This post is explaining and slightly justifying my "alternative" Studygram feed. A lot of Studygram feeds are very aesthetic with a continuing theme and I am in awe of these accounts; however, this is just not me. My feed is, in my opinion, messier than these feeds and that is okay! During the early stages of my Studygram, I tried to fit in with the white and pastel colour theme many Studygrams follow because I love this aesthetic look. However, for some reason, I just couldn't keep this theme. My photos looked disjointed regardless of how hard I tr...

Academia 26: Desk Tour

Hello my beautiful friends! This blog post was requested from my Instagram story. Personally, I love seeing people's desk tours because I am nosy and, since I have done a "What's in my Sixth Form bag?" blog post, I thought it'd be fitting to make a desk tour too! On the shelf above my desk I store my stationery (let me know if you would like a "My Stationery Collection" blog post in the future) and any academic reading books. You may also see my literal piggy back, which I use purely for decoration. Below my shelf, I have my cork board, which I use to encourage my academic aims and positive thoughts. To encourage my academic aims, I have photos/postcards/bookmarks from my trips to various universities as well as a card congratulating me on my GCSE results from my parents. To encourage my positive thoughts, I have some photos with and cards from my friends and tickets. My desk decor is very minimal. On my desk I have my salt lamp, reading lam...

Academia 25: How do I revise A Level Maths and Further Maths?

Hello my beautiful friends! This blog post was requested from my Instagram story. I thought it'd be useful for those starting Maths and Further Maths in Year 12 as well as those Year 13s seeking help with revision. Mathematical subjects are difficult to revise, especially due to the small number of past papers we have access to (I am the first year taking the new A Level Maths and Further Maths exams). I revise maths and further maths in 3 main ways... 1. Revision Cards Unexpectedly, I do use revision cards to revise maths and further maths. On these flashcards I note any rules/laws I need to know, formulae I need to memorise, key methods and worked examples for more challenging questions. To succeed at these subjects, you must have a solid base knowledge and I believe flashcards enable this. 2. Practice Questions To build on your base knowledge, you must do lots of questions. Use questions from your textbook as well as online. Often, these question sets begin with easier q...

Academia 24: Staying Productive in Sixth Form

Hello my beautiful friends! This blog post was requested from my Instagram story and I thought it'd be useful for those starting Year 12. Recently, I participated in a collab with other Year 13 Studygrammers called #howtoalevel in which we shared our tips for new Year 12s, so I thought it'd be fitting to repeat that Instagram post in blog post form. Here are my top 10 tips for those starting Year 12... 1. Relax during the summer between Y11 & Y12. Some Sixth Forms/colleges set bridging work, so do complete this, but do not do any additional work to avoid burning out in Y12. 2. Make your notes as you go along. After every lesson, write up your class notes onto flash cards/mind maps/whatever resource you use to revise. 3. Use a variety of sources to make your notes. As well as using your class notes, use your textbook/revision guide and/or reliable websites to ensure your notes are sufficient and cover everything. (Feel free to ask me for Physics and Economics we...